Stress and your hair
The last couple of years have been incredibly difficult and stressful for the majority of the UK population, with a pandemic to deal with, global wars and a cost of living crisis. We are all starting to think what else can be thrown at us and it has left a lot of people feeling stressed and anxious. Hair loss is something that can thrive when you have a serious mood change that leads to a hormonal imbalance like anxiety and depression.
We thought this would be a good time to list a few tips we have for dealing with the first signs of stress related hair loss.
Don’t panic
Let’s face it, stressing about hair loss is not ideal when you are experiencing a hair loss event. When we are stressed we release more of a stress hormone called Cortisol. The release of this hormone results in our hair being pushed into a phase of paused hair growth. This is because hair is what we would describe as a non-essential tissue, so when we are stressed it is one of the first areas your body shuts down to allow recovery in other more essential areas. Once stress levels start reducing, hair follicles should return to normal in time but recovery times do vary with individuals with some requiring effective hair loss treatments.
See our Experts
Most cases of stress induced hair loss can be sped up to return to normality with our laser hair therapy treatment programme. Our experts will review cases individually and come up with a recovery plan to get your hair health back on track.
Take Vitamins
Our Hair Loss Experts can recommend specific vitamins that will complement your treatment with us. Vitamin D is so important for hair growth, so even book a holiday to get away from our dark and gloomy weather and go somewhere that the sun is guaranteed. The holiday will also help with stress levels, so it is a 2 birds, one stone scenario!
Reduce stress
Stating the obvious now aren’t we? But honestly, stand back and think what is it that is causing your stress and try to cut that down and build in activities that can take your mind off stressful events, such as meeting friends for a coffee, go to the gym, go for a long walk somewhere scenic, plan a trip away, mindfulness exercises etc.
Healthier food options
Diet and exercise, we all know we should be better at it but the combination of both really do impact on your hair health, so could be an easy win for your hair recovery to hit the gym to de-stress and eat more proteins, greens, fruits etc.
Cool down heated hair devices
Hair straighteners, hairdryers, heated curlers and wands all damage your hair and if your hair health isn’t the best, it is advisable to cut out these devices for a while, to allow your hair to recover.
Let your hair breathe
Excessive use of bleaching and hair extensions are both such common hair loss problems. Signs of hair loss means your hair is already weak, so don’t weaken it further.
Bin the cheap hair products
Just because it says ‘Natural’ on the bottle, doesn’t mean it’s good for your scalp and hair. Bad ingredients in shampoos/conditioners are Parabens, Chloride, and Sulphates. Let’s face it, we didn’t want to play with those chemicals in science class so why put them in your hair? Products with 95% + organic ingredients are the way to go like Keratin, Biotin, Collagen, Oils and plant extracts. Always read the bottle to see what is in there and remember if it costs £0.99, it is probably better to clean your bin with than put in your hair. We promise it will help your hair health in the long run if you avoid the cheap and nasty hair products.
If hair loss and stress are symptoms you are currently experiencing, please contact one of our Experts. We are a confidential, client focused service, we are here for anyone in hair distress, so please not suffer alone. We offer initial, free consultations, so make use of them and come in for a chat, it might put your mind at ease.