Male Pattern Baldness : The Hamilton-Norward scale

The Hamilton–Norwood scale is main classification system to determine the varying stages of male pattern baldness. This is because men experience hair loss in common ways which has been studied and researched throughout the years, with the Hamilton-Norward system being the most widely used classification in the Hair Loss Industry.

It aids our Hair Loss Experts to diagnose the extent of baldness, discuss treatment options, and measure the effectiveness of treatment.

The stages of hair loss are described with a number from 1 to 7 and are categorised as follows:

Stage 1: No visible signs of thinning or receding or hair line.

Stage 2: Mild hair loss mostly visible at the temples. Commonly referred to as the mature hairline, there can also be lightening of the frontal hairline border with it potentially becoming more sparse.

Stage 3: Deeper receding hairline begins to appear in the temple area, the same on each side. This is the first sign of significant balding and thinning.

Stage 3 Vertex: Hairline is the same as stage 2, however notable hair loss and thinning in the crown area.

Stage 4: More noticable and even deeper symmetrical receding in the hairline than stage 2, with little or no hair in the crown area.

Stage 5: Hair loss is more significant than stage 4. The areas of hair loss are still divided, but the band of hair that remains is thinner and more sparse.

Stage 6: Hair loss around the temples spreads to the bald vertex, and the band of hair on top of the scalp is at its thinnest or in some cases there can be no hair at all.

Stage 7: The most drastic stage of hair loss. Hair may remain at the back and sides of the head, but the top is completely bald.

For every stage of the Hamilton-Norward classification, MHR Belfast has treatment options which can be tailored for individual hair loss requirements.

The highest level of success is achieved in the earlier stages of the classification but that does not mean there are not options for later stages and more severe hair loss cases.

The good thing about the Hamilton-Norward classification scale is that you can use the images to determine your hair loss stage at home, to see if it looks like you are affected by male pattern baldness and then contact our Experts to discuss further.

During a consultation at our offices, our Experts can measure and confirm the current stage of your hair loss with the scale and determine what they can do to treat you. We have surgical and non surgical treatment options for each stage, so you don't have to suffer with the stress hair loss brings. You can be safe in the knowledge that MHR Belfast can and will help you.


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